One Panel #411-413: Not Who You Think It Is

Sometimes, you think you're going to read a story about one character, but it's a story about another...
From Zoro, the Mystery Man: "The Amazon Witch Doctor" by Mac Raboy, Master Comics #16 (July 1941)

So no, not Zorro, ZORO, with one "R". Well, at least he has a pet cheetah.

From Hercules: "Gang War" by Reed Crandall, Hit Comics #16 (August 1941)

And no, not Marvel's Prince of Power, JOE Hercules (I kid you not). Well, at least he's kicking tanks.

From Dr. Voodoo: "Golden Flask, part 3" by Mac Raboy, Whiz Comics #19 (July 1941)

And no, not Brother Voodoo, but DOCTOR Voodoo, no relation. You wouldn't think the strip would be about pirate action, but it is. Caveat emptor!


In the tradition of missing a letter, Zoro has a pet cheeta.
Siskoid said…
Hahaha, I hadn't even noticed!