Live and Let Die: d2

Category: Dice
Last article published: 6 November 2012
This is the 10th post under this label
When I covered every standard polyhedral dice normally available to gamers, I forgot the one they usually have in their pocket...

Real name: Coin
Nicknames: Bit, change, chip, piece, doubloon, or any piece of gaming currency you care to name according to your d2's color and size (copper, silver, electrum, gold, platinum, credit, etc.).
Uses: Sure, you can use any dice type and go 50/50 on the numbers or odd/even, but the binary simplicity of the d2 is close to holy. Binary choices may include: Which tunnel to take, determining squirrel bite damage, or who goes to the door to pay for the pizza.
Beloved because: Flippety-flip-flip. It's cash on hand. Your Two-Face impressions.
Hated because: When exactly do you "call it"? Always falling on the ground, and then does it count? Somebody might spend it before you need it. Your Two-Face impressions.
