The Hero Points Podcast: Dream Machine

GameMasters Siskoid and David Gallaher discuss the 1986 DC Heroes adventure module Dream Machine, by Mark Acres, starring the one and only Joker. Can the New Teen Titans or Your Own Heroes defeat him and their worst nightmares? It's an unusual adventure we think can be adapted for a variety of games. Check it out. (The Hero Points Podcast is in no way affiliated with the upcoming Joker movie, but we're opportunists.)

Check it out at the Fire and Water Podcast Network page under The Hero Points Podcast: Dream Machine.

Also be sure to check out DC RPG: THE HERO POINTS PODCAST on iTunes, or alternatively, download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing "Save Target/Link As", and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (34 MB).

Highlights from Dream Machine, by Mark Acres, starting with the cover, by Denys Cowan and Marshal Rogers; other art by DC Staff and Rob Davis; maps by Jim Clouse:

All ready? Let's roll!


Robert Maloney said…
I actually think it wouldn't be hard to survive the battle between Id and Superego at the end. The text says "Now, my mortal enemy and I shall play an interesting game of ping pong!", which suggests to me that the Darkseids start off with Knockback multiattacks (trade damage RAPs for distance) on the players. That would give enough time for them to try and manipulate the dream world before the real fight begins.