Hero Points Character Profile: Batman

Siskoid sits down with KnightCast's Chris Franklin to compare Batman's DC Heroes RPG stats and his portrayal in the comics. A flagship character like that, surely Mayfair Games got it right! We ask an expert to make sure!

Check it out at the Fire and Water Podcast Network page under Hero Points Character Profile: Batman.

Also be sure to check out DC RPG: THE HERO POINTS PODCAST on iTunes, or alternatively, download the podcast by right-clicking here, choosing "Save Target/Link As", and selecting a location on your computer to save the file (45 MB).

The Dark Knight Detective, according to Mayfair's 2nd edition Batman sourcebook:

Credits: "Batman Begins" by Christopher Nolan, starring Liam Neeson; Justice League Unlimited's "Far From Home", starring Kevin Conroy; "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" by Zack Snyder, starring Ben Affleck; "Batman" by Tim Burton, starring Jack Nicholson.

 All ready? Let's roll!
