From Sandman: "Crime on Ice" by Paul Norris, Adventure Comics #68 (November 1941)
Two issues of Adventure technically hit the stands in October of '41 and it's a shocking month for the Sandman strip. Let's take a minute to say goodbye to the pulp-inspired man in a gas mask and fedora who's been gracing the pages of the title since #40, and that wonderful pose (which all the artists seemed keen to do, but I think originated with Flessel), because from now on...
From Sandman: "The Case of the Giant Bees" by Mort Weisinger, Paul Norris and Chad Grothkopf, Adventure Comics #69 (December 1941)
...without warning, Sandman is in the Tarantula's ugly purple and yellow costume, and Sandy the Golden Boy comes out of nowhere to join forces with the Wes Dodds. And they're gonna have the kind of adventures that involve wrangling giant talking bees. Well. Who made THIS decision?! Weisinger, I guess. I suppose a kid sidekick didn't seem to fit a character with the Sandman's original look. Oh Sandy, what have you done?
Two issues of Adventure technically hit the stands in October of '41 and it's a shocking month for the Sandman strip. Let's take a minute to say goodbye to the pulp-inspired man in a gas mask and fedora who's been gracing the pages of the title since #40, and that wonderful pose (which all the artists seemed keen to do, but I think originated with Flessel), because from now on...
From Sandman: "The Case of the Giant Bees" by Mort Weisinger, Paul Norris and Chad Grothkopf, Adventure Comics #69 (December 1941)
...without warning, Sandman is in the Tarantula's ugly purple and yellow costume, and Sandy the Golden Boy comes out of nowhere to join forces with the Wes Dodds. And they're gonna have the kind of adventures that involve wrangling giant talking bees. Well. Who made THIS decision?! Weisinger, I guess. I suppose a kid sidekick didn't seem to fit a character with the Sandman's original look. Oh Sandy, what have you done?