"New arrival for the museum..."
TECHNICAL SPECS: Released on YouTube 30 April 2020.
IN THIS ONE... A space-time artifact is examined as it enters the Van Statten collection.
REVIEW: The people behind Doctor Who Lockdown! are getting pretty clever at producing minisodes with available means, and not making them all look like actor selfies. Sven and the Scarf makes good use of close-up photography and a mix of household items (give or take the petri dishes) and the famous Fourth Doctor scarf prop which many of us have in their homes anyway. Set just before the events of "Dalek" - and thus of the global watch party for that episode - Sven is a lab tech at the Van Statten Museum, and he's tweezing bits of rubbish caught in the Fourth Doctor's scarf, itself an artifact of considerable value.
It's just jokes, folks, so not to be taken too seriously, though personally, I think it would be a great tie-in if we returned to television production and this sketch would be used as impetus for Eldrad's return. Eldrad MUST live. So all the little bits in the scarf are from past adventures, for nerds like us to catch. Like I said, it's meant to be humor, so there are discrepancies, like a bit of Meglos being found when that adventure occurred with the burgundy scarf (which was unwound by the Fifth Doctor anyway, but it was worth the groaner of a pun), and the artron count indicating it spent 7 years traveling through space and time, which is Tom Baker's time in the role, but not the scarf's, either by our count (though arguably, it was already aboard the TARDIS when Doc4 put it on), or the series' internal clock (as there's potentially decades or even centuries between The Deadly Assassin and The Face of Evil).
Well what, you write a sketch for Doctor Who nerds who know all this continuity, but we're not supposed to notice the continuity problems?! ;-)
REWATCHABILITY: Medium - An amusing diversion.
TECHNICAL SPECS: Released on YouTube 30 April 2020.
IN THIS ONE... A space-time artifact is examined as it enters the Van Statten collection.
REVIEW: The people behind Doctor Who Lockdown! are getting pretty clever at producing minisodes with available means, and not making them all look like actor selfies. Sven and the Scarf makes good use of close-up photography and a mix of household items (give or take the petri dishes) and the famous Fourth Doctor scarf prop which many of us have in their homes anyway. Set just before the events of "Dalek" - and thus of the global watch party for that episode - Sven is a lab tech at the Van Statten Museum, and he's tweezing bits of rubbish caught in the Fourth Doctor's scarf, itself an artifact of considerable value.
It's just jokes, folks, so not to be taken too seriously, though personally, I think it would be a great tie-in if we returned to television production and this sketch would be used as impetus for Eldrad's return. Eldrad MUST live. So all the little bits in the scarf are from past adventures, for nerds like us to catch. Like I said, it's meant to be humor, so there are discrepancies, like a bit of Meglos being found when that adventure occurred with the burgundy scarf (which was unwound by the Fifth Doctor anyway, but it was worth the groaner of a pun), and the artron count indicating it spent 7 years traveling through space and time, which is Tom Baker's time in the role, but not the scarf's, either by our count (though arguably, it was already aboard the TARDIS when Doc4 put it on), or the series' internal clock (as there's potentially decades or even centuries between The Deadly Assassin and The Face of Evil).
Well what, you write a sketch for Doctor Who nerds who know all this continuity, but we're not supposed to notice the continuity problems?! ;-)
REWATCHABILITY: Medium - An amusing diversion.