FW Team-Up: The Thing and the Thing

How can a character meet himself in a team-up situation? How can a podcaster do the same? Find out as Siskoid 2020 calls Siskoid 2016 to discuss Marvel Two-in-One #50 by John Byrne and Joe Sinnott, starring the Thing 1979 and the Thing 1961! It's a battle for the ages, and maybe one of us will learn a little something about himself along the way.

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Highlights from Marvel Two-in-One #50 by John Byrne and Joe Sinnott:
Yes, this is a time travel story.
Let's just let the battle speak for itself...

Two endings:
Theme: "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" by Andy Sturmer.

Bonus clips from: "Voyagers!" Theme by Jerrold Immel; "Theme from Shaft" by Isaac Hayes; and "The Thing" 1979 animated series, starring Wayne Morton.

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