Gimme That Star Trek Ep.40: The Table Read

In the early weeks of the quarantine, Siskoid took part in an online "table read" of a Star Trek: The Next Generation script. He recorded it, in case. Now he invites the instigator of that activity, Clo Armani, to talk about - and present the audio of - the experience. Also starring Michael Bauble Plourde, Maxime Haché, Zero Hour Strikes' Bass, and oHOTmu or NOT's Elyse, Isabel, Nath and Amélie!

Listen to Episode 40 by clicking HERE!

Or you can right-click “download”, choose “Save Target/Link As”, and select a location on your computer to save the file (35 MB).

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"Star Trek Theme" by Alexander Courage, with the Irredeemable Shagg on vocals. End theme: "Deep Space Nine Theme" by Dennis McCarthy.

Bonus clips from: "Reading Rainbow", starring LeVar Burton; and Star Trek: The Next Generation incidental score by Ron Jones.

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Floyd Lawton said…
This was fantastic I'm much more of a DS9 and TOS fan but the passion of all involved made this a fun listen. I would love to hear more of these, especially from other Trek series but I got the impression from the episode that this may have been a one time thing. OHATMU or not is the one show of your efforts that I struggle to maintain interest in, but I always enjoy the "girls" when they show up in other things. The discussion of emphasis challenges for French speakers was illuminating, does this explain why you always say "ROMJIN" when her name is pronounced like Romaine lettuce in the US?

As always Canada Tuesday is my favorite day of the week, thanks for all the great content.

PS apparently from the Subspace transmissions I was one of the only listeners happy with the results of the Alien bracket, but that's probably because I was yelling "For Cardassia!" along with the episode's participants :-)