One Panel #524-526: Christmas Content

Since we're currently looking at comics that were out in December (of 1941), it only makes sense that at least SOME of them would have Christmas sorry. Let's take a closer look...

From Scribbly and the Red Tornado: "The Rich Dame's Christmas Party" by Sheldon Mayer, All-American Comics #35 (February 1942)

Ma Hunkle and her kids deserve a Christmas, and Sheldon Mayer's alter ego Scribbly is in attendance to chronicle the story.

From "Christmas" by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson and George Roussos, Batman #9 (March 1942)

The title doesn't go two ways about it. Batman #9 sports the famous cover of Batman and Robin in a bright spotlight, but it also has a seasonal story! Except... why is Santa Claus working for the bad guys?!

From The Whip: "The Whip Plays Santa" by John B. Wentworth and Homer Fleming, Flash Comics #26  (February 1942)

And in this one too. I guess the Santa suit is a good disguise for ne'er-do-wells during the Holiday season, which it more important than ever to expose these imposters. The Whip shows that wielding a whip gives you a good arm for other things.


RB said…
Red tomato or Red Tornado