Year 14

What a year. Rough, right? Well in terms of blogging, I didn't let that stop me, because, well, more time alone at home means more time FOR that. I've even found myself blogged up 3-4 weeks in advance, give or take the stuff that's time sensitive like movie reviews. Where we up to? 9091 posts in all, and if you're still reading, thanks for being here. As I mentioned last year, blogging isn't as popular as it once was. Now it's podcasts, and I do both. But I don't think I see myself giving up writing, so here we are, 14 years in and looking at a fifteenth in what is hopefully a happier time, globally.

Year 14 Highlights

-Star Trek is back with a vengeance, and that meant weekly reviews for Picard, Lower Decks and Discovery, plus The Orville, which is surely a cousin to that franchise. The Orville actually replaced Battlestar Galactica in the schedule, not because BSG was truly over (Caprica still yet to come), but because I really really really wanted to rewatch all of Orville and needed a (thin) justification to do so. It seems so far away now (pre-COVID is what, 10 years ago?), but we also got a season of Doctor Who in 2020, and then dished out a lot of reviews based on the canonical enough Lockdown minisodes that came out in the early days of COVID as bonus material for global watches of key episodes. Weekly reviews of SF shows kind of seems like what the BSG mostly does these days, doesn't it?
-Most Mondays, still doing one post for every "label" or "tag" the blog has spawned, alphabetically We're up to the letter "I" now, not quite halfway. It's a gift that keeps on giving - I especially like getting the chance to write up "origins" for my various podcasts when those labels come up - though it's not as open-ended as, say, the One Panel feature.
-Who's This? - the character spotlight feature that replaced long-running Superman Family material on Saturdays is going to close out the year with entries from Who's Who issue 2, which means it took more than a year to get through 2 issues' worth. So this one DOES keep on giving!
-In the podcasting category, still covering Tuesdays at the Fire and Water Podcast Network, with a rotating slate of shows (in addition to guest spots on others'). I've let FW Team-Up lie dormant so I could concentrate more on Gimme That Star Trek and try new projects, including Who's Editing? and very recently Let's Roll. Zero Hour Strikes! and oHOTmu or NOT are on track and not about to podfade.

So, what's next?
I've fallen into a pattern that I hope readers enjoy, because I'm going to keep following it for the time being. Saturdays - Who's This?; Sundays - This Week in Geek; Mondays - Labels; Tuesdays - Podcasts; Wednesdays - Star Trek (while it lasts); Thursdays - One Panel; Fridays are devoted to The Orville, but the extant material runs out with the year, so a couple of Doctor Who reviews and then Caprica should take over. That won't last the year, so I'll have to make a decision by then. Still up the air, though I do have harebrained ideas like OHOTMU's This?!, just not sure I have the resources to carry it to term. We'll see! Stick around!


Anonymous said…
Happy birthday! Soon your blog will be old enough to drive.

I don't comment a whole lot these days, but I read your blog and I'm glad you're still at it.

Siskoid said…
Thanks for sticking with me after the Babylon 5 days.

Will my blog learn to drive before I do? Stay tuned!
Michael May said…
Yowza! Amazing! Happy Anniversary, my friend!
Siskoid said…
You must be in that range too!
googum said…
Congrats! I probably say this every year, but your blog's great the first time around, and a valuable resource later. Looking forward to the next one!