oHOTmu or NOT Ep.67: Madrox to Maelstrom's Minions

The Multiple Man. A genius and his awesome creation. A giant among geneticists. His trio of agents. Which are hot, which are not? Only the girls of the Hot Squad know for sure!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Nathalie, Josée, Shotgun, and Amélie.

Listen to Episode 67 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!

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You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.

"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.

Bonus clips from: "Too Many Dicks on the Dance Floor" by Flight of the Conchords, feat. Arj Barker; "Everything's Not Awesome" by the cast of "The Lego Movie 2"; "There Are Giants in the Sky" from Rob Marshall's "Into the Woods", starring Daniel Huttlestone; "Stuck on You" by Lionel Richie.

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Your description, plus the girls describing Maelstrom's energy trail as "kinetic energy bubbles" makes me wonder of Maelstrom and (my favorite!) Speedball draw their powers from the same source. There's lots of characters who are all "Darkforce Dimension" related, but so far there's only the one who is related to the "Kinetic Energy Dimension."
tomg said…
Unfortunately, when Multiple Man absorbed his son Sean, the baby did not come back. His existence ended at that time.

Siskoid said…
See, I should never talk about what happened to any X-related character after 1990, because it's all just confusing.
Mike W. said…
Like you, I'm surprised mad Thinker's outfit got such praise, but I guess the pandemic has changed fashion choices; maybe you should show them Doc Ock again, since he also rocks the green jumpsuit. Did Awesome Andy really have an OFF button under his arm? Sounds like Data on TNG. Didn't Andy eventually end up at the legal firm where She-Hulk worked? I'm not sure what his function was ... paralegal probably.

The Madrox discussion was interesting and during peter David's first run (when one of Madrox's rebellious duplicates shot another dupe), he did touch on whether Madrox's dupes had separate worldviews and personalities.