Some stray (cat joke!) tie-in issues before we get to the Zero Hour finale - Catwoman #14 and Anima #7 - certainly don't share the tightest continuity with the crossover event, but then, that's never been too important, either to the DC editors nor the hosts of this podcast. Siskoid and Bass cover it all!
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Highlights from Catwoman #14 (by Jo Duffy, Jim Balant and Bob Smith) and Anima #7 (by Elizabeth Hand, Paul Witcover, Brent Anderson and Will Blyberg):
Cheesecake meet beefcake.
Dinosaurs in Gotham.
Bass' favorite shot (left).
The Easter Eggs:
Now on to Anima, and if you haven't been reading the title, WTF?!
The issue's big fight (that's the entire thing).
Meanwhile, over in Strange Sports Stories...
The Animus breaks its chains, but it's kind of too late.
Relevant teaser clip: "Ray Bradbury Presents: A Sound of Thunder", starring Ray Bradbury.
Bonus clips: "Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred"; "Batman" by Tim Burton, starring Jack Nicholson.
End theme music from "The Time Tunnel Theme" by John Williams
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