Featuring one frame from every live action project based on a DC Comic property (regardless of what publisher owned it at the time)...
From The Adventures of Captain Marvel: "Curse of the Scorpion" by William Witney and John English, Republic Pictures (March 1941)Fawcett was actually first on the screen with its Captain Marvel series (with Spy Smasher next), six months before even Superman's animated debut. No wonder DC got worried about the Big Red (Black and White) Cheese and called in the lawyers!
Pipsqueak (but still adult) Billy Batson meets ginormous wizard Shazam (Frank Coghlan, Jr. and Nigel De Brulier) in a the tomb of the Scorpion King where he's gifted with the magic word that turns him into Captain Marvel (Tom Tyler). The era's interest in archaeology gives Billy a scorpion curse to motivate him not to abuse his powers and kind of prefigures Black Adam's existence in the comics, four years later (though one could argue the Greek gods in the SHAZAcronym link to Antiquity already.
Next week: No, you plums! It's back to One Panel. This was just an April Fool's lark!