One Panel #549-551: Animal Shenanigans

From Batman: "The Three Racketeers" by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson and George Roussos, Detective Comics #61 (March 1942)

Don't you just love the idea that Batman leaves live bats around to freak poltroonish criminals out?

From Samar untitled story by Max Elkan, Feature Comics #54 (March 1942)

Adventure strips frequently went to deepest Africa for some culturally insensitive (I'm being kind) material, and of course some took place there in permanence - a lot of Tarzan clones in the Golden Age - and they weren't exactly great for their treatment of animals either.

From Johnny Thunder: "Drifting Down the Amazon" by John B. Wentworth and Stan Aschmeier, Flash Comics #27  (March 1942)

I said Africa, but it could also be South America. But don't go down the Amazon looking for friendly animals unless the Thunderbolt is roofying them for you.
