From Batman: "The Three Racketeers" by Bill Finger, Bob Kane, Jerry Robinson and George Roussos, Detective Comics #61 (March 1942)
Don't you just love the idea that Batman leaves live bats around to freak poltroonish criminals out?
From Samar untitled story by Max Elkan, Feature Comics #54 (March 1942)
Adventure strips frequently went to deepest Africa for some culturally insensitive (I'm being kind) material, and of course some took place there in permanence - a lot of Tarzan clones in the Golden Age - and they weren't exactly great for their treatment of animals either.
From Johnny Thunder: "Drifting Down the Amazon" by John B. Wentworth and Stan Aschmeier, Flash Comics #27 (March 1942)
I said Africa, but it could also be South America. But don't go down the Amazon looking for friendly animals unless the Thunderbolt is roofying them for you.
Don't you just love the idea that Batman leaves live bats around to freak poltroonish criminals out?
From Samar untitled story by Max Elkan, Feature Comics #54 (March 1942)
Adventure strips frequently went to deepest Africa for some culturally insensitive (I'm being kind) material, and of course some took place there in permanence - a lot of Tarzan clones in the Golden Age - and they weren't exactly great for their treatment of animals either.
From Johnny Thunder: "Drifting Down the Amazon" by John B. Wentworth and Stan Aschmeier, Flash Comics #27 (March 1942)
I said Africa, but it could also be South America. But don't go down the Amazon looking for friendly animals unless the Thunderbolt is roofying them for you.