Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. Still on Mirror, Mirror, they can't all be bridge crew...
EXPANSION: Mirror, MirrorPICTURE: Not much to it, I suppose, but the Empire logo in the back places him in the right universe (a common visual theme on Mirror cards). He looks mean enough and the pic is pretty color-coordinated. A 3.3.
LORE: Acknowledges universality right off the bat, then we get a description of his one scene. The reason he isn't likely to be made an officer on Kirk's ship is that the captain punched him out after his betrayal of Kirk, then Chekov. "Not on my ship." Subtly played here. Enough for a 3.6.
TREK SENSE: What do we really know about this guy? That he was nondescript enough to warrant being universal, I won't argue with. The blue jumpsuit makes him a crewman (no Staff icon) in the sciences (yep, Science). The Treachery is well borne out by his single scene, playing both sides until he could make a play on his own behalf. Which leaves Stellar Cartography as his lone science specialty (he must work for a department). The exact choice is invention, but not implausible. Integrity may be a bit high, though you could argue he was always on Kirk's side so showed some loyalty after all. Cunning is low, but the guy seemed brutish at best, so it works. Strength is enough to be a physical threat, but low enough to allow Kirk to beat the stuffing out of him. I'd say the card works remarkably well. A 4.
STOCKABILITY: A Mirror support personnel (one of 2 with the OS icon, one of 4 in all), that distinction allows him to be reported to your ships regardless of quadrant nativity. So he's an excellent way to get that Treacherous Fed to pass In the Pale Moonlight. Stellar Cartography is a common support personnel skill though, so there are other sources. Indeed there's one other (non-universal) source for Treachery too: Eric Pressman. And his ENGINEER is a better skill. Think of this though: You can't lose this SCIENCE personnel to Unscientific Method (not that his CUNNING would have made him the first target). The many icons on his card give him other ways of reporting, either through Crew Reassignment or OS ship downloads (as well as use of OS equipment), but really, at the end of the day, he's a little redundant. Nobody has that exact mix of abilities, but unless you're running an exclusive OS Mirror deck, he's not necessarily a first choice. A good backup for your Treachery needs... a 3.
TOTAL: 13.6 (68%) A finely designed universal, certainly more interesting than a silent extra.