Who's Hot and Who's Not? Ep.2: Air Wave to Amazing-Man

The original roller-skating hero. A teenager on the radio. A magical cat. A team formed by FDR. Their sole African-American member. Which are hot, which are not? The Girls of the Hot Squad are on course to take us through Who's Who #1 in this Hot or Not mini-series which dares to ask if the characters of the DC Universe are any more datable than the ones from the MU!

Featuring permanent panelists Isabel, Nathalie, Josée, and Amélie.

Listen to Episode 2
(the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!

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You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.

"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.

Bonus clips from: "Radio Ga Ga" by Queen; "Alley Cat Cat Food ad, based on "Alley Cat" by Bent Fabric; "All Star" by Smash Mouth; Jesse Owens at 1936 Olympics; "Stolen Car" by Amelie Montour; "I Can't Say Sentences" by Isabel Goguen; "Warm September" by Isabel and Nathalie Goguen.

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Anonymous said…
I have to agree about Alley-Kat-Abra's breasts being freaky, but wait until you get to Yankee Poodle. I noticed you didn't describe Johnny Quick's personality ... saving that for his own entry, eh? The Hawkman hate will probably generate some controversy too.

Mike W.
Siskoid said…
At this rate, covering Yankee Poodle seems unlikely, I dunno.

As for Hawkman hate, it's all over some of my other shows thanks to co-host Bass. I always take the role of the Hawks' defender.