Category: Reign
Last article published: 27 December 2014
This is the 564th post under this label
Source: Looney Tunes #262 (2021)
Type: Spoof
Cluck Trent is exactly like Clark Kent except for the lisp that makes him identify himself as STupor Duck, at least until something happens to him that never happened to Clark (unless maybe in those Bendis issues? never got to 'em on account of my impatience with over-word-ballooned pages): The Daily Planet goes digital-only and sends its computer-illiterate Luddites home. Sadly, he finds there are no openings in the leaping tall buildings sector. So... professional superhero? He has the powers, but does he have the skills? Mistaking a bank robbery for a malfunctioning bank vault is just the first of many mistakes, one of which ultimately destroys the newspaper building.
Funny you should say that, Stupor Duck, because the internet almost immediately proclaims "MALLARD MENACE DESTROYS DOWNTOWN!". Seeing it as an indignity rather than a personal failure, Cluck steals a page (or panel) from Spider-Man.
It shows poor timing, because his relaxing retirement coincides with duck hunting season. The issue features two more Stupor Duck stories, including one in which he fights a giant gorilla who is absolutely NOT Titano, we swear, so he's no one-hit wonder.