Who's Hot and Who's Not? Ep.5: Arcane to Atlantis

DC's Dr. Frankenstein. The Lord of Atlantis. A hospital for the criminally insane. A video game license. An underwater realm. Which are hot, which are not? The Girls of the Hot Squad are on course to take us through Who's Who #1 in this Hot or Not mini-series which dares to ask if the characters of the DC Universe are any more dateable than the ones from the MU!

Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Nathalie, Josée, Shotgun, and Amélie.

Listen to Episode 5 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!

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You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.

Bonus Xum's Who entry: Topo!
"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.

Bonus clips from: 1987 Raid commercial; "Atlantis" by Donavan; Batman: The Animated Series' "Dreams in Darkness", starring Kevin Conroy and Richard Dysart; and 1982 Atari 2600 commercial.

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Anonymous said…
My favourite Topo moment is when he acted as a merry-go-round for young Aqualad. Some interesting stuff this time around; I didn't expect Arcane to get much love, and you didn't even mention his post-Crisis background as a Nazi.

I had an Atari 2600 too, but my favourite game was River Raid. I'm surprised none of the girls mentioned Banjoo Kazooie (which was always one of my latter-day favourites), but maybe it came too late for them to really get into it.

Mike W.
Siskoid said…
I know some of them played B.K., but I asked for very favorites and shut things down when it looked like I was gonna get a list of every game ever played. We could have been there all night. I'm one of the least "gamer" in the bunch.