AfterLunch 98: Big Screens, Little Sentences

Recently, Michael May invited me to play Big Screens, Little Sentences - game show-style! - on the AfterLunch podcast. The point of the game was to guess movie titles based on one-sentence descriptions of the plot. If you want to hear me get creamed, this is the show for you!

It's all at AfterLunch, under Big Screens Little Sentences.

Thanks for listening!


Michael May said…
Thanks for joining us! I can't wait to invite you back for another game without the buzzer and using instead the rules you guys came up with. Brilliant.
Is there a link somewhere?
Michael May said…
Here's the direct download link, if that's helpful, but if you have a favorite podcast platform, I can get you the link to the episode on that, too.
Siskoid said…
Ooops, the link didn't take and I've had computer problems since. Will fix!