As promised, I am declassifying the files from the second volume of Suicide Squad, but first, some editorializing, since this IS my first time reading the series. I am still a bit put out by the whole "Suicide Squad as a sitcom" concept. I don't think the jokes land, nor do they make easy friends with the subject matter. But we're only on issue 3, and already SS vol.2 has committed the cardinal rule of Suicide Squad stories: Killing off brand new characters who have no history in the DCU. It was a beef I had with the New52 version, since just rebooted villains were, in fact, new, so who cares if they die, but at least they usually had IP recognition going for them. In SS v2 #3, Giffen essentially creates four characters just to kill them off. Who the hell cares? Killer Frost in her trademark bikini (did I say trademark? I'm kidding, what the hell is this?!) makes it out (we'll get to her later, since General Rock reuses her), but that's also rather predictable. And it sure doesn't help that I find the art very difficult to figure out. Anyway, let's open these files.
Powers: Speak to small animals, like insects, birds and rodents. Some skill with the bo staff.
Mission: Destroy rogue army ants, illegally bio-engineered by LexCorp, which would have been embarrassing for one President Luthor.
Chance of survival going in: Low. She has no previous history, and didn't even get to choose a code name. There's also the fact that General Rock has been talking about sending all these people to their deaths for the past two issues, like he knew it would happen. And it did.
Retirement: DECEASED. When the ants don't believe her messaging, she is overwhelmed and devoured to the bone. (Suicide Squad v2 #3)
Final report: Created to immediately be killed off. It's kind of too bad, because her knowledge of Larvanaut's powers (when even the mission leaders don't really know) and her own abilities seem to imply a connection between them that could have been explored in a longer run.
PuttyProfile: Suicide Squad original character.
Powers: Super-strength, though his name implies more.
Mission: Destroy rogue army ants, illegally bio-engineered by LexCorp, which would have been embarrassing for one President Luthor.
Chance of survival going in: None. Like the others on this list, Putty has no history and even his one issue does little for him. His power set and look are extremely generic.
Retirement: DECEASED. When the "ant farm" facility goes up in flames, Putty, paralyzed by claustrophobia, apparently perishes with it, though there is no confirmation of a body. (Suicide Squad v2 #3)
Final report: Nobody has brought back Putty, though he's a prime candidate for survival based on these events and his presumed powers. Not such a prime candidate on the merits though.
Bolt II
Profile: Suicide Squad original character
Powers: Unknown. Does not exhibit the powers of the original Bolt. Seems to be carrying equipment in his vest, so possibly just a mercenary type.
Mission: Destroy rogue army ants, illegally bio-engineered by LexCorp, which would have been embarrassing for one President Luthor.
Chance of survival going in: None. Apparently not the Bolt who first appeared in Blue Devil and became a punching bag for most of the DCU whenever a super-powered assassin was required. If he had been the real deal, then sure. Being a cheap knockoff who doesn't even do anything except bicker with Killer Frost meant his minutes we numbered.
Retirement: DECEASED. His leg broken, he limps back to the team intent on taking his revenge on Killer Frost who left him behind as her own "diversion" and is caught in an explosion when the facility explodes. Corpse later confirmed. (Suicide Squad v2 #3)
Final report: No one knows who this guy is, or what his connection to the true Bolt was (or even if he was meant to be the original, but through some editorial kerfuffle/decision, was proven not to be). Needless to say, he was never seen, or even referenced, again. To be clear, Wikipedia does say it's the same guy, but if it is, why isn't he using teleportation, blast powers or flight as he should? Wikipedia screws up other details from the event, so we should better heed the DC Wiki page which posits the notion of a Bolt II.
Profile: Suicide Squad original character.
Powers: Cybernetic scorpion tail. The ability to track insects.
Mission: While the rest of the team was a diversion, Larvanaut was to go into the nearby jungle and kill the ant queen, disabling the rest of the hive.
Chance of survival going in: Low. With that name?! Though he likely had other insect powers up his giant gloves, Larvanaut seemed so specifically gears to this mission, that he was unlikely to get another.
Retirement: DECEASED. Though we do not see him die, a later panel shows his flesh has been eaten by ants. (Suicide Squad v2 #3)
Final report: Like Eliza, he was made to be killed, but definitely had potential as a creepy Hellgrammite type with a possible preexisting relationship. A waste.
Postscript: Killer Frost's top doesn't make it out alive either. Oy. Ok, well... More people die next week!