What a Card: Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold

Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. Still from that first Reliant attack...

EXPANSION: The Motion Pictures

PICTURE: Though Khan makes the title comment during the pictured scene, it doesn't quite fit the title. The game text makes use of the Reliant, and the pic is from there, but it's not engaging enough to be worth it. Weak colors, dull composition... I might have played with the Cold more and shown Reliant around the planetoid on which Khan maroons Kirk instead. Just a thought. As is, a boring 2.5.

LORE: N/A (score will be adjusted accordingly)

TREK SENSE: This objective attempts to recreate Khan's actions during ST II. Does it succeed? The idea is for Khan to get his hands on The Genesis Device, but from there, he does nothing with it, which is rather odd. He scores points for every turn he has it aboard the USS Reliant, as if that was the be-all and end-all of his goals. That "goal" is spoiled a little by Kirk's presence, since Khan can't stand the good captain being alive and well. Cute, but I don't really see how Khan scores points every round. Is the objective the equivalent of a universal Threaten Universe mission? Returning to the start of the card, the use of the Reliant is also suspect. While it recreates the events of the film, why can't Khan use another commandeered Federation ship? Well, there are no other Federation ships that are also Non-Aligned from that era (much less quadrant), so there's little other choice. Still, he should be allowed to commandeer a proper vessel and use that. Its appearance during the seed phase also leaves out part of the story, with Khan and his men reporting directly to it for free. To keep you honest about running this story, you're forced to get rid of all personnel that aren't aligned with Khan (and use only those that mention him plus Ceti Eel victims) at the end of your turn. They might make a cameo, but the focus is strictly on Khan and his followers, as a kind of very exclusive NA affiliation. Does a good job of setting up the pieces, but fails as a true objective. I'm thus of two minds, but have to lean in disfavor of the card. Manages 2.5 for the storytelling elements.

STOCKABILITY: RIADBSC is a very powerful objective, providing a deck type for Khan and his followers that's predicated on completing a single mission to pick up The Genesis Device, then staying away from opposing cards while they score 30 points per turn. A win should be obtained within 2 turns unless missions were not wisely chosen OR Kirk is in play. All the Kirks are good personnel, but they won't usually be seen outside of Federation decks. If Kirk is in play, he can still be killed, which could be Khan's secondary goal. RIADBSC sets things up real well by downloading the required ship right off the bat and making all allowed personnel reportable for free aboard. In exchange, you can't really use other personnel because they are discarded at the end of your turn. The one turn of existence is ample time to allow you to play Ceti Eel on them and make them part of the team. A Neutral Outpost could be used here, and I might recommend some backward-compatible 2E personnel that create an effect when reported. They are then Ceti Eeled and need not be discarded. Could be an interesting way to go (a Neutral Outpost would allow any affiliation to be used). Loading your deck with Khan-compatible personnel and getaway cards to keep your opponent away from the Reliant should work pretty well. Still a limited strategy, however, and one where things could go wrong (you need Khan out fast, for example, which Ready Room Door should take care of, and you have to fear from The Big Picture and Intermix Ratio... or from losing your Reliant). Scores a 4.

TOTAL: 12 (60%) I generally like TMP's storytelling efforts.
