Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. The last member of Khan's crew is also a card I never reviewed in the original Rolodex, so let's see...
EXPANSION: The Motion PicturesPICTURE: Khan's principal female follower in the movie, she sits at the helm of Reliant as she should, looking dishevelled as she also should. Good look at her bling. Image is plenty beige though. A 3.5.
LORE: Her name is total and complete invention, and I'm not sure what it is innate of. As for the lore itself, I like the explanation of how all these augments managed to figure out a Starfleet ship so quickly (though note the lack of "typical of" type text to explain the universality), but the first sentence does highlight one of the questions ST II is begging us to ask, namely, why are these augments so youthful when Khan himself aged normally. The 15 years supposedly since Space Seed isn't enough time for a twentysomething generation to spring up, but I'd believe their genetic enhancements included faster maturation. The lore makes it plain that no, these are the original members of the Botany Bay's complement. Or did it have kids aboard?! These hang-ups are mostly mine, so a 3 here.
TREK SENSE: A universal typical of the augments in Khan's crew, Wajahut was seen at the helm so Navigation is proper. Figuring out the ship makes Engineer useful, and also opens the door to crew we didn't see on the Reliant's bridge and ensures that universality. The augments are of course just Civilians who have taken over a ship, and therefore could score the Staff icon. How she hones in on Kirk's location is a neat trick, but not supported by Trek Sense. How does the USS Reliant "jump" to any location like that without a spore drive? How does she specifically know where Kirk is? Why doesn't it work on other ships, and why can she only do it once? This is meant to represent Khan hunting Kirk down, but in reality, he LURED Kirk to HIM, so it's reversed here. Is it from later then? To follow the Enterprise into the nebula? That's hardly akin to finding a Wormhole. The attributes are fine, what I would expect from augments following Khan, though we really needed to see her do a feat of strength to warrant that high a Strength. Sorry, but only 2.4.
STOCKABILITY: Sure to be used in a Khan micro-affiliation, Wajahut has some fair skills (Nav and ENGINEER are both frequent requirements) and attributes, and she can report directly aboard the Reliant (in any number) if Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold is in play. But her special ability is perhaps most useful if you're ALSO playing with Feds and have a Kirk out yourself. Reliant's low RANGE becomes less of a problem if you can jump the timeline (but only one per game). If your opponent has Kirk out, Khan can go and get his revenge (though he AND Kirk are eliminated if it's Admiral Kirk, due to their Nemesis icons). This requirement really hampers the usefulness of her special ability - there are several better ways to extend RANGE - so it's just a bit of a bonus for your universal ENGINEER. And since Khan's augments each have a single classification to bring to the table (I mean, beyond the paltry CIVILIAN), that's gonna get her to a 3.1.
TOTAL: 12 (60%) She's definitely the least useful in that small crew.