One Panel #717-718: No Square Panels

From Wildfire: "Dean of Darkness" by Robert Turner and Jim Mooney, Smash Comics #37 (November 1942)

Jim Mooney's Wildfire strip includes a couple of kidney bean panels that I can't necessarily explain formally, though this one, looking down an underground tunnel does play. It creates uncertainty as to what could be in the dark, unseen corners. And to my eye, it also looks like an artist's palette.

Speaking of art...
From Captain Marvel Junior: "The Case of the Missing Ambassador" by Mac Raboy, Master Comics #31 (October 1942)

You can have strangely-shaped panels, or you can do without panel borders entirely, and Mac Raboy's fight montage, with different moments stepping on one another looks very good indeed (even in blurry microfiche), even when you isolate the pieces as I've done here. Instead of the ubiquitous border, he instead goes for color washes that spotlight each segment.
