When does one start counting? 17 years ago today, I started this blog. With two posts a day, no less! These days, it's more like one, but I never miss a day, and indeed, 2023 was when I hit 10,000 posts! Current count: 10,329. If you're still reading, thanks for stopping by. I know this is a dying medium, but I just can't help myself. Plus, there's been new Star Trek aplenty and I don't want the reviews not to be complete. Same with Doctor Who which has finally started up again. And it hasn't been easy to stick to it this year. A move this summer turned into a an internet nightmare where I had no home service for more than 3 weeks, and lo, I finally got a dose of COVID last week after dodging the bullet for four years. But we're here, we're fine, and we're still posting every day.
Year 17 Highlights
-I finally finished the one-article-per-label project I've been on for several years, from 5 Things to Like to Zines, and I'm sort of finding myself without a rudder at the other end. My Mondays were pretty easy to schedule under that scheme, and it guaranteed some kind of variety. Now, I'm looking at my desk, not sure how to fill those days. Do I go with unfinished series like What If? and Task Force X Files? They're more work than most, but might be the most rewarding for writer and readers alike. In the short run, I'm just quick-read a few Star Trek novels and drop them there. But what of 2024?
-The rest has been pretty consistent. Whatever podcast on Tuesday (Who's Editing is coming to an end this very week). One Panel on Thursday. Star Trek CCG reviews on Friday. Who's That? on Saturday. And capsule reviews on Sunday. No foreseeable change there.
So, what's next?
We've been getting a LOT of continuous Star Trek material, and my promises in '22 to start covering top-vote getter Blake's 7 turned to ashes. But due to the writers and actors strikes, there's a delay until the next season of Discovery (and no dates for Prodigy's second), so... is it a good time to start with that?
On the podcasting end of things, I've already announced Siskoid Cinema, an umbrella feed for various movie podcast ideas, including Fade In, On Borrowed Time and No Escape from Kurt Russell. Planning has started on the first episodes of each, which will be released in January.
If you've been sticking around, please keep doing so. It's no fun without the eyeballs and comments. And I'll see you (checks) tomorrow.
Would personally put a vote towards the Task Force X series continuing, provided you're able to find time between everything else. Sucks to hear about the Covid, here's hoping it clears up soon.