Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. Before there was a Q side-deck, there were Q-related cards like this one...
EXPANSION: PremierePICTURE: I've always liked that chain-link fence effect, and showing a tiny Enterprise next to it as a wave of movement goes through the Net was definitely the way to go. A cool 4.
LORE: Boooooooooooring. Nothing untrue, but early 1E's over-reliance on dates and the short copy it gets don't do it justice. A 2.
TREK SENSE: Q can do anything he wants, we've been through that already. Unfortunately, this isn't on par with his power level. That it is a barrier between 2 spaceline locations is just about the only thing that's fine about it. I can't fault it too much about not being a true Q-card since Q-Continuum was 2 expansions away, but it has to be said nonetheless. 2 Diplomacy goes through it because Q must be dealt with, but the Net was always a precursor to more tests. 2 Diplomacy was never enough, and at the very least, coming up on the barrier should stop you for a turn or something, or draw out a Q-Continuum card, SOMEthing. As is, it sits permanently on the spaceline as a natural barrier to all comers. Does that sound right? It really doesn't. Good thing there are cards that use and affect Q-Net (like Drag Net), but as this card stands, a low 1.5.
STOCKABILITY: Early pollution decks featured Q-Net for sure, but Diplomacy has since become one of the most common skills in the game. It may still annoy the Borg (unless they have Queen or Counterpart), but rarely anyone else, and not for very long. An Alternate Universe Door can get a ship through in any case, as if a counter was really necessary. Drag Net gives it mobility, but doesn't make it harder to get through unfortunately. Still troublesome in sealed deck format though, especially between an outpost and relevant missions once a ship has left home. At this point, a mere 2, though it used to be higher.
TOTAL: 9.5 (47.5%) Sad to see an old standard falter like this.