What a Card: Alternate Universe Door

Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. Thanks to the Alternate Universe expansion (which was the game's first), Where No One Has Gone Before inspired 10 whole cards. Well, we start at the beginning...

EXPANSION: Alternate Universe

PICTURE: This is one of the great pictures in the game! It's an actual "doorway", has a great design, and just look at Picard's expression... priceless! Let me also mention (though it won't affect the score) the AU icon. Well... it's pure drivel. A squiggly red line separating two universes of black(?). Boooooooring. I'm glad Decipher later changed the overall design of their expansion packs. Back to the card at hand: it gets a 5.

LORE: N/A (score will be adjusted accordingly)

TREK SENSE: With no lore, Trek interpretation can be much wider. The Seed function makes sense, of course. I can see why it would interfere with the Subspace Schism (in effect, the door bringing Riker back from the Solanagen universe) and the Temporal Rift. Interfering with the Revolving Door, while a necessary game mechanic, makes no Trek sense as the Royale was never in any "alternate universe". Same for the Q-Net... no canonical evidence of AU doorways getting anybody out of one of those. So it's a mish-mash of pros and cons with my finger stopping on - drum roll please) - 2.9.

SEEDABILITY: As far as seeding goes, a 4. AU Personnel and Ships can often be high-powered or versatile. For a while there, who wanted to play without their Major Rakal? Newer affiliations don't have quite as deep a bench though, so unless the Cardassians are playing with essential AU dilemmas or something, AU Doorway isn't recommended. STOCKABILITY: The stockable uses are all defensive. I might keep one handy just to get rid of pesky (and oft-seen in my particular circle of gamers) Temporal Rifts (and you get to keep the Door!) It's also insurance against Revolving Doors, especially for the Borg player who doesn't want to lose access to their Transwarp Network (but any Doorway-related strategy might need protection). Inversely, I don't think it sees much use in stopping Schisms or Q-Nets (again, except for Borg). A 3 for stockability, for an average of... 3.5 altogether for the card.

TOTAL: 15.2 (76%) A good adjusted score. Doorways may well get an advantage in the Rolodex - they are usually multi-functional (so more seed/stockable) and can't be penalized for poor lore.
