No Escape from Kurt Russell: Stargate

Siskoid Cinema presents... No Escape from Kurt Russell, the show that explores the filmography of one of American cinema's best leading men and tries to get a handle on his mystique. Why is it we'll watch anything so long as Kurt Russell's name is attached to the project? On this episode, Siskoid and the Irredeemable Shag discuss 1994's Stargate. By Roland Emmerich who Siskoid has in his Top 5 Worst Directors List? Yeah, but Kurt Russell is in it!

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Bonus clips: "Stargate" by Roland Emmerich, starring James Spader, Richard Kind, Viveca Lindfors, Kurt Russell, Lee Taylor-Allan, Rae Allen, David Pressman, George Gray, Christopher John Fields and French Stewart; and "Stargate Overture" by David Arnold.

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