Who's Fury?

Who's This? Wonder Woman's daughter.

The facts: When Roy Thomas devised Infinity Inc. as the children of the Justice Society of America in 1983, it was all happening on Earth-2. It therefore made sense to give the Golden Age Wonder Woman and her Steve Trevor a daughter - Hippolyta "Lyta" Trevor, code-named Fury. She was introduced n Wonder Woman #300, just before Infinity Inc. premiered in All-Star Squadron, an appearance that launched their series, of which Fury was a part for the duration (53 issues). Of course, the Crisis happens during mid-run and Fury loses her famous ancestor, which Thomas would replace with a World War II-era Fury in Young All-Stars. Lyta would come to marry Hawkman's son, Hector Hall the Silver Scarab, who would then go on to become the third Sandman, creating a connection that would lead Neil Gaiman to using her and their son Daniel rather prominently in his seminal Sandman series. She also starred in the spin-off graphic novel Sandman Presents: The Furies.
How you could have heard of her: Lyta Hall, if not Fury, appears in the TV adaptation of The Sandman, portrayed by Razane Jammal. So Lyta has a higher profile than "Fury".
Example story: Infinity Inc. #27 (June 1986) "Memories" by Roy & Dann Thomas, Todd McFarlane and Tony DeZuniga
Crisis ended months ago and Roy Thomas is reeling from Earth-2's merging with Earth-1, sending both his series (All-Star Squadron and Infinity Inc.) into uncertain waters. In particular here, what to do with Fury? The orders have come down that Wonder Woman didn't exist in the 1940s, but Roy is STILL going to have Fury remember her pre-Crisis origin. Do I have that right? Let's look inside... For starters, the lack of a tangible origin seems to be making Lyta a little dizzy.
She hasn't slept in days is the natural explanation and the Star-Spangled Kid sends her to bed. With her pet Kanga, Trouble, which is the first I've heard of this creature. If they'd advertised it more, I might have picked up Infinity Inc. back in the day.
Part of her problem is that she acknowledges that her parents have been wiped from continuity, but she still remembers them. And "vividly", things that happened to that Wonder Woman even though she, Lyta, wasn't there. Roy... come on. Like that time her mom visited the White House. On that day, she did meet a tiny 12-year-old Nuklon (she's 12 herself, but she looks 13 and he looks like he's 9), and super-powers or not, she's still very much a teenager.
Then the Hawks bring the future Silver Scarab around for a playdate (sudden crush). Lyta's a bit of a pain, dismissing the boys' notion that Disney World would be fun to visit.
Wonder Woman is such an upright hero, it must have been excruciating to raise such a daughter. But of course, she disobeyed her OWN mother to get into the Amazon Games all those years ago, right? The parents leave for the White House just as the future Hourman II shows up (Hourman I is a harsh dad, way to make me dislike one of my favorites from ASS, Roy!). Superhero fans stamping their feet because this is all about the JSA Brats still get some pin-ups from Todd McFarlane, parent and child straddling spreads like so:
The kids visit Wonder Woman's trophy room, which includes a Wonder Teen costume Lyta might wear some day.
The boys play with the Lasso of Truth too... shouldn't Wonder Woman have taken that with her? Oh it's PART OF the lasso. I stand corrected and confused. And Lyta shows them snaps from her Amazon Island Summer Camp Experience.
While these boys will come into their powers and gear later in life, Lyta is all Amazon, and showcases her amazing strength in the weights room and playing baseball in the back yard. Home runs into orbit, superspeed base running, snatching balls out of the sky, it's not really fair. To make up for it, she takes them flying in the invisible jet. Better not tell, but I have a feeling she's gonna get caught.
But in THIS reality, she never GOT grounded by Wonder Woman. Or had her as a mother. Or went to that summer camp very explicitly described as where she honed her superheroing skills. Or met the JSA Brats in this fashion. So why spend time on it? Roy back-talking at Crisis again. At the end of the story, the solution is for Brainwave Jr. to wipe Lyta's mind!
She'll just blank-slate it until we think of something, huh? Rough stuff. Here was an opportunity to change the memories where we were reading, or have Brainwave awaken lost memories, and so on. Doubling down on a pre-crisis origin, while arguably a way to honor the previous history of the DCU in the wake of its loss, is just adding to the confusion. Couldn't Fury have just woken up as the first Fury's daughter, with memories to that effect? (The WWII Fury would premiere in Secret Origins in a few months.)

I suppose Lyta should consider herself lucky that she already had a costume pretty disconnected from Wonder Woman's...
Who's Next? A man made from space clay.
