One Panel #778: Aquaman Is on the Map

From Aquaman: "The Man Who Chased the Rainbow" by Louis Cazeneuve, More Fun Comics #88 (February 1943)

No, but really. This is weird, right? We do an extreme zoom out and Aquaman (yellow-gloved) is explaining geography, but he's on a literal map. Now I want a revised cut of Raiders of the Lost Ark where Indie looks out the plane and sees a map.


Alan said…
Logan! So that's what Wolverine was up to in 1943.
Siskoid said…
He's never gonna win that race.
Charles Izemie said…
So that's where Fred got the idea for Philémon and the castaway on the letter A of the Atlantic Ocean!

God, if ever I loved a comic book as child, that was it. Still love it, mind.