One Panel #805: The Play Is Ruined!

From The Flash: "Play of the Year", by Gardner Fox and Lou Ferstadt, Flash Comics #39 (March 1943)

I'm in the middle of an improv tour right now, and in this day and age, the biggest fear isn't a snow storm, but rather someone getting sick - especially COVID - or even just losing my voice to strain... It's so quickly "game over" in such cases, and it doesn't help that you're moving around the province and coming into contact with other germ pools.

Anyway, this is a panel from a story in which a measles outbreak puts a play into jeopardy and the Flash has to play every character by making quick costume changes in between lines. If you're looking for Jay Garrick in drag, look no further.


DC Dave said…
This sounds like pure Golden Age fun!
Dick McGee said…
I wonder, can speedsters even suffer meaningful viral or bacterial infections? Unless the organisms responsible are accelerated once in the body, they'd be acting in slow motion compared to Jay's immune response, giving them no time to replicate into dangerous numbers.
Siskoid said…
Which makes him the best choice to play all the roles.