What a Card: Lemon-Aid

Being a look back at cards from the Star Trek CCG, and what I thought of them back when they were fresh and new... in EPISODE order. Okay, back to Q-cards...

EXPANSION: Q-Continuum

PICTURE: Nice colors in the front, but a lame background. An interesting shot visually, but composition's bad due to Q's head being chopped off. So I have to go for a less than stellar 2.9 here.

LORE: A quote within a Q-uote, I'm not sure of its overall relevance, even if it talks about playing, and that's what we gamers do best (or most). As for the title pun, it's okay, though not as clever as some others. Aids a Lemon deck, hehehe. Okay, I kinda like it. 2.9 again.

TREK SENSE: Totally concerned with game mechanics, we won't get much out of this category. Basically, when you encounter it, if your deck is doing better at scoring points than your opponent's, he or she scores 5 points. Where there are points, I want to see game goals. No goals here though. The points are just a friendly gift (sort of like when your mom made you apologize to your sister after a fight - it was never very heartfelt). Trying to patch in Q's quote here... Points reveal HOW you play the game... uhm... or being generous is showing something about humanity to Q... Aw, forget it. Lemon-Aid is just a game mechanics card, and has no real effect on the Star Trek universe or the personnel involved. A 0.5 as to the concept.

STOCKABILITY: Well, just in case you lag behind by 20 or more points, why not get yourself an impossible to nullify 5 points extra? Helps bridge the gap, and if encountered often enough, bridges it even more. Of course, are you really planning on playing a losing deck (a "lemon"?). Well, maybe your deck is slow (starts in another quadrant or something). An early Q-Flash would give you some bonus points. One way to capitalize on it is to actually wait for your opponent to hit a Q-Flash, but since there can't be duplication of Q-cards in the same Q-Flash, it's no use hoping for a lot of points from this card. More useless than not at 1.9.

TOTAL: 8.2 (41%) Speaking of lemons...
