CAPTAIN'S LOG: The Cerritos learns the truth of Stafleet's worst starbase.
WHY WE LIKE IT: Starbase 80 is actually a pretty fun place.
WHY WE DON'T: Anaphasic aliens are always lame.
REVIEW: We've briefly been to the dreaded Starbase 80 and we'll be here again, so pay attention. In fact, if you've been reading the current Star Trek comics (specifically Star Trek: Defiant), you'll have seen more of Starfleet's worst space station in a storyline involving the bluegill parasites (from TNG's Conspiracy), but not in such detail (albeit with a similar "possession" storyline). To Mariner's mind, SB 80 is a cursed place which quickly absorbs you into its world of malfunctions and incompetence. A real brain drain. And indeed, the episode makes this manifest in its anaphasic organism plot, with all combadge users turning into drooling zombies (so no Gothic romance stuff for THIS anaphasic being). It's Mariner's nightmare as actual fact, but it also redeems the starbase and subverts Mariner's expectations (and ours).
It's been a while since we haven't had an episode that didn't have a B-plot, and the more concentrated story works in the episode's favor. There's some fun world-building with the station that's kind of commenting on Deep Space Nine (with Acamarians - from The Vengeance Factor, of all things - in the Bajoran role) and providing lots of opportunities for references thanks to the mix of older technologies. The place has food vendors in lieu of replicators, Enterprise's antiseptic gel, wall coms, Discovery uniforms, malfunctioning gravity, rusted walls, old turbolift handles, and sinister music cues. It looks (and is!) shoddy, but it's a place for second chances, which gives it some charm. It's a great place to explore Mariner's growth as a character and test her newfound enthusiasm. It's really HER story and everyone else is secondary, but they're THERE, not on the ship, so you don't mind. (And I really like the whole bit where everyone's coming off an underwater mission and stripping out of their skinsuits right there on the bridge, so there's your ship action.)
Our main guest star, Kassia Nox, is played by television personality Nicole Byer, who I don't really know, but she acquits herself well as the peppy station liaison. She's a good guest member of the Away Team, introduces us to Starbase 80 in a pleasant way, and takes part in the nicely-animated rock 'em, sock'em action sequences. I'm a little mystified by the character of Gene, the engineer who sends Freeman and Ransom on wild goose chases - there IS a B-plot and it's this - given that he's Gene Roddenberry-coded. Similar hairstyle and voice. I was waiting for something to come of it. We also get a doctor infected by Geordi's parasite from Identity Crisis, a corn dog peddler (uhm, okay), and an anaphasic alien that's rather whatever. But it's all enough for a spin-off.
LESSON: Give people - and places - a second chance.
REWATCHABILITY - Medium-High: A fun setting produces some fun adventure elements, but it also doesn't forget to be character-driven.
WHY WE LIKE IT: Starbase 80 is actually a pretty fun place.
WHY WE DON'T: Anaphasic aliens are always lame.
REVIEW: We've briefly been to the dreaded Starbase 80 and we'll be here again, so pay attention. In fact, if you've been reading the current Star Trek comics (specifically Star Trek: Defiant), you'll have seen more of Starfleet's worst space station in a storyline involving the bluegill parasites (from TNG's Conspiracy), but not in such detail (albeit with a similar "possession" storyline). To Mariner's mind, SB 80 is a cursed place which quickly absorbs you into its world of malfunctions and incompetence. A real brain drain. And indeed, the episode makes this manifest in its anaphasic organism plot, with all combadge users turning into drooling zombies (so no Gothic romance stuff for THIS anaphasic being). It's Mariner's nightmare as actual fact, but it also redeems the starbase and subverts Mariner's expectations (and ours).
It's been a while since we haven't had an episode that didn't have a B-plot, and the more concentrated story works in the episode's favor. There's some fun world-building with the station that's kind of commenting on Deep Space Nine (with Acamarians - from The Vengeance Factor, of all things - in the Bajoran role) and providing lots of opportunities for references thanks to the mix of older technologies. The place has food vendors in lieu of replicators, Enterprise's antiseptic gel, wall coms, Discovery uniforms, malfunctioning gravity, rusted walls, old turbolift handles, and sinister music cues. It looks (and is!) shoddy, but it's a place for second chances, which gives it some charm. It's a great place to explore Mariner's growth as a character and test her newfound enthusiasm. It's really HER story and everyone else is secondary, but they're THERE, not on the ship, so you don't mind. (And I really like the whole bit where everyone's coming off an underwater mission and stripping out of their skinsuits right there on the bridge, so there's your ship action.)
Our main guest star, Kassia Nox, is played by television personality Nicole Byer, who I don't really know, but she acquits herself well as the peppy station liaison. She's a good guest member of the Away Team, introduces us to Starbase 80 in a pleasant way, and takes part in the nicely-animated rock 'em, sock'em action sequences. I'm a little mystified by the character of Gene, the engineer who sends Freeman and Ransom on wild goose chases - there IS a B-plot and it's this - given that he's Gene Roddenberry-coded. Similar hairstyle and voice. I was waiting for something to come of it. We also get a doctor infected by Geordi's parasite from Identity Crisis, a corn dog peddler (uhm, okay), and an anaphasic alien that's rather whatever. But it's all enough for a spin-off.
LESSON: Give people - and places - a second chance.
REWATCHABILITY - Medium-High: A fun setting produces some fun adventure elements, but it also doesn't forget to be character-driven.