A cruise ship detective. A Native pirate. A boy in a man's body. A boy in a boy's body. Hitler's favorite. Which are hot, which are not? The Girls of the Hot Squad continue evaluating Who's Who #4's entries based on sheer datability.
Featuring permanent panelists Elyse, Isabel, Josée, Nathalie, Shotgun, and Amelie.
Listen to Episode 21 (the usual mature language warnings apply) by clicking HERE!
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You can follow along! Here are the characters we cover in this episode.
"Can You Dig It?" (Theme for oHOTmu or NOT?) by Brian Tyler.
Bonus clips from: "The Love Boat Theme" by Jack Jones; "Skull and Bones" by Home Free; "Shazam!" by David F. Sandberg, starring Djimon Hounsou and Asher Angel; "Elvis" by Baz Luhrmann, starring Tom Hanks; and "The Only Good Fascist Is a Very Dead Fascist" by Propagandhi.
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