FW Team-Up: Spider-Man and Thor

Siskoid and Shag's coverage of Marvel Team-Up continues with issue #148 (December 1984) by Cary Burkett, Greg LaRocque and Mike Esposito, starring the Spider-Man and the Mighty Thor! It's "A Child Shall Lead Them!".

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Highlights from Marvel Team-Up #148 by Cary Burkett, Greg LaRocque and Mike Esposito (cover by Al Milgrom):
A new Nomad?
Thor's ker-pow moment!
Origin of the Black Abbott:
It was a trap!
Give him a chance, he's just a kid!
Inside storm!
That cover moment...
And the friendly farewell:
Theme: "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" by Andy Sturmer.

Amalgam promo: DC Dave; "Thor Kills the Destroyer" by Patrick Doyle.

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