Tag line: Ex Astris, Scientia
Makers: Last Unicorn Games for Star Trek: The Next Generation RPG
What is it?
Everything you need to run a Starfleet Academy series (campaign) for ST: TNG. The box includes a core book, a narrator's guide with a couple of adventure scenarios, the "Cadet's Guide to Sector 001: Earth" (a rules-free sourcebook), and a couple of extras (maps of the Academy, Mars, the star system, etc., and a neat faux-diploma).
Neat stuff
-Last Unicorn's supplements all add a lot of depth to the Star Trek universe, interesting to Trekkies who like non-canon stuff, and this one's no different. Of particular note is the full curriculum, recruitment methods, etc.
-Despite a lot of invention, some known characters do get attention: Boothby, Sandrine and T'Shanik.
-The flashback series seems the most promising for players already involved in a campaign. It's the one I'd do.
-Best extra: A full-color Academy diploma on textured cardboard.
Bad stuff
-I still can't believe this "series" came out before the Klingons boxed set (which never did because the game "died"). In fact, forget the product schedule, I can't believe it came out before anything about the Borg, Cardassians, Bajorans, Ferengi, Dominion or Voyager! Not that it's a bad change-of-pace campaign, but I can't believe playing cadets was high on anybody's list.
-It's a lot to buy for information on Earth if you're interested in that more than a cadet series.
-Artwork's lackluster, especially the black and white watercolor pictures of the faculty.
"I'm a cadet, damn it, not an ambassador."
In conclusion
You sometimes hear about supplements that kill games off, well, here's an example of a dangerous one. It's not even THAT interesting to Trekkies, to tell you the truth.
How I've used it
I once ran a ST:TNG campaign, which was a little mishandled, so I never managed to run any kind of flashback stories using this box. But I would have. I usually like to justify my purchases in SOME way.