FORMULA: Court-Martial + Friday's Child + Miri
WHY WE LIKE IT: An interesting dilemma and a good look to the aliens and environments.
WHY WE DON'T: A totally botched explanation for the plague and some slow pacing.
REVIEW: Albatross starts off interestingly enough, with McCoy being accused of causing a plague some 19 years prior after a medical relief mission. He's put on trial for mass slaughter while the crew head for the plague planet to get evidence to free him. It's a solid premise supported by nicely drawn aliens and environments. Kirk gets a good moment when he bends the rules and tricks a Dramian into boarding the ship to avoid interference with his investigation.
Once the crew gets the plague however, it's slow going, in large part because the acting has to be lethargic. Still, there's a certain amount of padding here, with too many ship shots and worried looks on the bridge. Worse than the pacing slowing to a crawl is the reason for the plague in the first place. It is totally non-sensical, and isn't even internally consistent (for example, if Kol-Tai received the antibodies to protect him from the first plague, why did he get the second?). It all dribbles out in the last act,
LESSON: Some viruses may be carried on light beams.
REWATCHABILITY - Medium: Starts out well enough, but the conclusion isn't well thought-out and fails a premise that had potential. Still watchable until then, however.