Just to give Supergirl a break from all the dying...
On what Earth does Hoppy the Marvel Bunny live? And is it the same as Super-Turtle? Hoppy is a funny animal version of Captain Marvel (from Earth-S), but Super-Turtle is obviously a take-off on Superman (Earths-1 and -2). HOWEVER, Hoppy has interacted with Cap, while Super-Turtle has never done so with any variation on Superman. So they might be from the same world and Turtle just never met Cap (always late to the Marvel Family potlucks). Or he might be on his own Earth somewhere, along with other slow-moving superheroes like Bat-Snail, Wonder Sloth or the UnFlash.
I guess we'll never be able to ask the little guy now... Damn you Siskoid's Crisis!
I guess we'll never be able to ask the little guy now... Damn you Siskoid's Crisis!