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I've been going through a stack of Sinestro Corps issues, trying to catch up on the story and I've just come across my new favorite Green Lantern. Sorry John Stewart, make way for:
The Green Lantern Brick!Well that is just genius.
I always thought bricks had no feelings, no life. Boy was I wrong! Thanks for setting us straight, Mister Siskoid.
What about Good Old G'nort, Drtzky Rrr, and Leezle Pon, Huh?
And Kilowog.
And that zombie GL.
Andthe antibody that saves Guy Gardner's life.
And even Guy.
It's just Hal I don't particularly care for, I guess ;)
That was Leezle Pon, the sapient smallpox virus!
And who doesn't love Kilowog, anyway?