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Spaceknight Saturdays: Rom - Grave Desecrator
Yes, that title is REAL, my Spaceknight brothers! Let me get you there first though. As we pick up our story, Brandy's boyfriend Steve is really being a right drama queen about his best friend's death at the hands of evil alien plants. I mean geez, dude, put some pants on. Blaming Rom for this isn't helping anyone. And as for your contention that maybe the Dire Wraiths are the good guys, I'll just point to their frickin' names. What kind of species calls themselves Dire Wraiths? When we finally reach the stars, I hope Humans redub themselves Violent Rednecks or something (cuz you know that's what we'll be to the cosmic community).But think what you want, Steve, your friend isn't even dead yet, as Rom's analyzer is able to make out. So take your foot our of your mouth and get him to an emergency room already. Rom's got a neutralizer to find so he can keep pumping Limbo full of Wraiths. So let the Doctor Who alien POV search begin:
Ah yes, the funeral of those miners Rom apparently "killed". The only thing Rom hates more than Wraiths is a fake funeral. Here comes more PR trouble.
I really hope no one saw that. One thing we can say about coffins though: They make fine shields.
As the Wraiths scatter, their high priest elder summons the Phoenix Force's inbred kid brother... DEATHWING!
Rom still manages to grab the priest and try to shake the location of his neutralizer out of him. That mitten has incredible grip, and there's just no way to shape-shift out of it. Will we finally see the Wraiths' true form?
Nope, not yet. Unless it's the rat in the second panel. Cuz he DOES give up the information after all.And then Deathwing eats him. The Wraiths really have to step up their game now that Rom is on Earth, they really do. Because right now, they're doing a pretty good job of defeating themselves without his help. But wait! Deathwing still scored a hit on Rom's hand and it makes him topple into an open grave!
And down into the bowels of Hell itself! (Well, we'll see.)This issue also introduces a potential ally, a fellow Wraith hunter:
Wow. Hardcore. Will they be friends or foes? Especially since this guy would really like to get his hands on that neutralizer.
Serpentyne will be here in 7!