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Spaceknight Saturdays: O Brotherhood Where Art Thou?
There's a blizzard right now here in Atlantic Canada (my patch of it, at least), which sets the stage for Spaceknight Saturday because back in January of 1982, Rom-time, there was one too in Virginia. So let me tell you about that one before a power line gets snapped and I can't blog anymore.When we last left the Torpedo, he was coming upon the ruins of a farmhouse as the familiar and grotesque figure of Hybrid was reforming. Result? In short: Brock gets creamed.
Ok, it goes on a little longer than that, but not much.Meanwhile, there's a fancy prisoner transport trying to get to Windust Prison in the storm. Thankfully, they have a chain gang clearing the road. As someone who's lived in a wintry country all his life, I can tell you this is cruel and unusual punishment.
Inside the transport, four of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, plugging into Marvel continuity thus: Beaten down by the Avengers in Avengers Annual #10, then, in a jailbreak, Avalanche's arms broken by the Hulk in Incredible Hulk #263. Looks like Mantlo isn't done with them yet though.
Back to cruel and unusual: One of the convicts slips on the ice and falls right in front of the truck's big wheels, sliding towards him, unable to stop. Rom to the rescue!
The transport's personnel react as they should when an unknown space robot lays hands on the vehicle, they press the "Design by Tony Stark" button:
Once they've frooshed off, the guards start shooting at Rom and he is forced to stun them. One of the convicts spins a tale of slavery that Rom doesn't have the context not to believe. Pharoe, let me people go!
And then it's off to Windust Prison for more gate-breaking action. The Brotherhood in stasis has already been brought there without a hitch, but just as Rom's arriving, the rest of the Brotherhood have masterfully infiltrated the prison staff and broken their teammates out. The two forces collide in the courtyard, where Rom quickly realizes he's been duped. The word "Evil" gave it away.
It's the old immovable object vs. immovable object paradox, eh? ...Uhm, not that's not right. Anyway, the Brotherhood's not very good at teamwork, being evil and all, each attacking pretty much solo. When Blob fails, Pyro tries to stop Rom by giving him Firefall-related traumatic flashbacks:
A zap from the neutralizer does wonders for living flame. Next up is Rogue, back before she joined the X-Men, and while she seemed kind of involved with Pyro, but after she absorbed Ms. Marvel's powers and, uhm, Reed Richards' hairdo.
But without skin on skin contact, there's nothing to absorb! As we know, Rom's fleshy bits are buried inside him (or alternately, under Terminator's tombstone). No go, Rogue! Next, Avanlanche gets into the act, but with two broken arms, that proves a little difficult. Destiny's power is that no one listens to her, of course.
Not only does the idiot pwn his own team, but the vibrations through his shattered bones makes him pass out! Result:
Pyro knocks heads, not boots, with Rogue! And as the Blob comes flying in:
Immovable object no longer! The girls cut their losses and leave, Rogue rechristens them the Sisterhood of Evil Mutants, and heads for the most Southern-cliché-looking house in the countryside.
To Mantlo is to revel in crazy coincidence. The house's new tenant is... HYBRID!!!
But what happened to the Torpedo? Well, I guess we'll just have to wait for next week! (Agaiiiiiinnnn?!? Yes, again.)BONUS LETTER THAT WILL CONFOUND AND CONFUSE
The very definition of "thinking about it too much".
They had that stuff out like candy.