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Star Trek 784: Sport of Knaves
784. Sport of KnavesPUBLICATION: Star Trek #54, Gold Key Comics, August 1978CREATORS: George Kashdan (writer), Alden McWilliams (artist)STARDATE: 3004.8 - Follows issue #47 (after The Tholian Web).PLOT: As the Enterprise approaches the Federation game preserve planet, an illicit ship escapes from it, leaving a hole in the climate control sphere, which Kirk fixes with Tholian web technology. He then tours the planet to see if any animals are missing. Many of these need - let's say extreme - living conditions.
-1045 indeed! The only missing animals are male Gharian wedding birds who quadruple in size and go into a killing frenzy if separated from the females. Scotty leaps to the natural conclusion - they were taken by criminals from Grotus for cockfighting purposes. Going there undercover, the landing party is beset first by eager hookers and then by hoodlums who go off and warn their leader, Zarcun-5. Spock and Scotty face a nasty bird in the arena. When a female is beamed down, it pacifies the male and the crows jeers, no doubt toppling Zarcun-5's criminal empire.CONTINUITY: Kirk makes use of Tholian technology...DIVERGENCES: ...but how he managed to procure it isn't known.PANEL OF THE DAY - Planet of the gay pirates
REVIEW: Between the gratuitous Tholian element, the asteroid that looks like a planet, and the amazing, size-changing emus, this isn't a story with very strong legs. Again, McWilliams' costume designs are tragically misjudged, with everyone looking like the L'il Rascals all grown up or something. His vehicles are better. At least the plot structure manages to link the various set pieces into a coherent whole. And hey! Kirk, Spock and Scotty running away from beautiful girls! It's one for the slashfic fans.