Rom Bonus Fortnight: Face the Music!

Yeah, I've decided to keep plugging away at Rom Spaceknight this week too. You start doing research, you make discoveries, five days just can't contain them. And so, more Rom. Everybody wins.

Today, just a quick look at some songs that reference Rom. The most famous, of course, is the Wu-Tang Clan's "Impossible". The reference occurs at 1:15.

A Spaceknight like Rom, consumes planets like Unicron,
Blasting photon bombs from the arm like Galvatron

Nice, but what's with the segue into Transformers territory? Rom's not a robot! Nor can he transform into a pay loader! Sorry RZA, but the metaphor doesn't pass inspection. You really needed to mention Limbo and/or the Wraiths in that verse. Like:
A Spaceknight like Rom, beats Wraiths with one blow
Blasting them with a Neutralizer back to Limbo

Or something.

Now this next one by HB3 is actually called Rom Spaceknight. Check it out!
Rom Spaceknight
Now that's nerd music like I love it! More HB3 at MySpaceMusic.
