The Many Faces of Wonder Woman, Part I

George Perez' Wonder Woman......has a long, rich history.

Stuart Immonen's Wonder Woman...
...isn't afraid of heights.

Mike Wieringo's Wonder Woman...
...could store rocket-pods in those bracelets.

Brent Anderson's Wonder Woman... frequently involved in cat fights.

Howard Porter's Wonder Woman...
...gets sexy for all you toads out there.

Jim Balant's Wonder Woman... being groped by skeletons. (Of course.)

Amanda Conner's Wonder Woman...
...tells you where you should be looking and isn't rude about it.

Chuck Wojtkwicz's Wonder Woman...
...will **** up your nazi skeleton cyborg!!

Howard Chaykin's Wonder Woman... strong and just a little bit castrating.

Steve Lightle's Wonder Woman... Thor a run for his money.

Phil Jimenez's Wonder Woman...
...goes to church with other heroes who worship the Greek Gods.

N. Steven Harris' Wonder Woman...
...puts just a little too much mousse in her hair.

Ivan Reis' Wonder Woman...
...has trouble with her hair extensions.

Ed Benes' Wonder Woman... Artemis.

Tommy Lee Edwards' Wonder Woman...
...scares me.

Jose Luis Garcia-Lopez's Wonder Woman... built for swimming.

From the Wonder Woman Gallery (1996) to my friends at Amazon Princess.


SallyP said…
That's a lot of Wonder Women. Very nice.
When it comes down to Wonder Woman, I will always chose George Pérez. Or Phil Jiménez for that matter.

They were the ones who portrayed her the most humane both artistically and in words. My opinion, of course ;)
Sea-of-Green said…
Ha! Brilliant rundown of that gallery!

I also think Pérez's was the best. :-)
Siskoid said…
I think my favorite will be in Part II...
Anonymous said…
There are few here I really liked.

But for the modern Wonder Woman, I give kudos to Perez, and also Jimenez somewhat, for drawing her a little more ethnically Greek to tie her to her mythic origins. Too many artist are just drawing generic superheroine with black hair, imo.

Except maybe Ed Benes, but that's another story. Also, I loved that subcomment on the Artemis cover.

Nice work.
rob! said…
I think the Jim Balent piece needed a little erasing during the pencil stage--Diana looks like she's from that last John Waters movie.
Siskoid said…
Wonder Woman as played by Chesty Morgan.
D0nnaTr0y said…
Fantastic list! Can't wait for part II!
Siskoid said…
Which was posted the next day, so you didn't have to wait very long! :D