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Spaceknight Saturdays: I've Done #49 Before
I DID discuss Rom #49 last year at this time, on the basis that it was my very first issue of Rom. But now I can properly place it in the context of the larger story being told, so I should revisit it.
As you may remember, the male Dire Wraiths have been supplanted by the females. They favor magic over science, and don't just duplicate you, but replace you wholesale. So how will they fare against Clairton, West Virginia, seeing as their males spent 30 fruitless issues trying to claim victory over the little town that could?
First, the old ladies.
Then, the teenagers.
All well and good, but what about the supporting cast? Surely, they're safe. Steve Jackson, for example, wouldn't go down without a 3d6-fueled fight!
See? The Wraiths are apparently quite vulnerable to a good Philipps head. No problem, right?
So Steve is pwned out. They can't do the same with Brandy's parents though.
Oh my. Really wiping the slate clean with this one. Perhaps Mantlo wanted Starshine to hit the same level of angst Rom does.
The Torpedo hasn't been body-snatched yet, but he's also been unable to detect these new Wraiths with his visor. It's enough to cause some confusion when Rom tries to train his Analyzer on Brandy's aloof parents.
It's only later that the truth is revealed when Brandy shows off her Starshine powers.
Starting to feel it, Starshine? That strange feeling in the pit of your cyborg stomach? The Spaceknights are quickly banished to a shadow dimension not unlike Limbo, and, what's that, Brandy?
Mantlo for the win, ladies and gentlemen.
Next week: Rom and Starshine banished from our plane. Clairton taken over by Wraiths, next stop, Earth! Unless their long lost cousins ruin their plans!
Can't have the Dire Wraiths screwing up Bendis' Secret Invasion!
It still blows my mind.