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Spaceknight Saturdays: Bloody Saturday
Rom and Starshine are currently working with SHIELD and Guest Star #1 Nick Fury to rid the world of the Dire Wraiths. Where to next? How about Atlanta? Georgia is a hotbed of Wraith activity, just as West Virginia used to be.Gotta hand it to the Wraiths, they give the less popular states some love. (Georgians and West Virginians can complain at: Siskoid, Blog of Geekery, Internet. But you should know my home province is New Brunswick.)And what's Atlanta's most famous landmarks? Would you believe its sewers? Seeing is believing!
That, my friends, is Dire Wraiths bleeding people dry, for what nefarious purpose, God only knows. Coming up on them are our Spaceknights and a crack team of SHIELD Espers who can psychically pinpoint the Wraiths. These guys do take the turtleneck to a whole new level.
The good guys win that battle, but the Espers are rendered catatonic by the psychic feedback. You do not want to get inside the head of one of those things. Not to worry though, Guest Star #2, Doctor Strange, shows up to make a show of power.
Well, what would you call it, Doc? So he casts a spell that protects the Espers and leaves. I bet he was a draft dodger too. Dormammu's dimension is just the Eldritch version of Canada. Now the Espers can safely detect the Wraiths. PULL SHAPES!
The Wraiths are remotely seen at the hospital where Guest Star #3 has been diagnosed with cancer and so is sending his music career down into an infernal spiral of Emo.
Rick Jones!The Wraiths, meanwhile, are hitting the blood bank.
What the hell? Wait it gets worse! They cast a 3rd level centrifuge spell...
...and uhm... I don't know. But they've just infiltrated Rick Jones' blood transfusion!
Next week: TAINTED!!!
I think it's a pitty nobody used more the Wraiths in the Marvel Universe.
Ripped from the headlines, just like Law and Order.