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Star Trek 875: Haunted Honeymoon
875. Haunted HoneymoonPUBLICATION: Star Trek #51, DC Comics, June 1988CREATORS: Peter David (writer), Tom Sutton and Ricardo Villagran (artists)STARDATE: 9000.0 (follows the last issue)PLOT: Nancy Bryce throws the bouquet which is caught by Sulu, giving M'Ress even more impetus to flirt with him. While the newlyweds get down to it, the mentite we met last issue, Castille, seems ill at ease. Soon, he's making everyone experience hallucinations, dangerously endangering sections like Main Engineering. Castille goes to the bottom deck, so the brdige is at least spared his final psychic knock-out punch...CONTINUITY: None.DIVERGENCES: None.PANEL OF THE DAY - The long-awaited Star Trek / Bloom County crossover
REVIEW: It's Peter David's turn to do the old illusions plot, which makes for interesting visuals if not an interesting plot. It's a good this his strength lies in characterization! We have Kirk not forgiving Bearclaw this time (guy's had way too many chances). We have Konom and Nancy going at it behind closed doors, hardly noticing red alert klaxons. We have Sulu trying to avoid the cat-like M'Ress (no furries for Sulu!), but hey, she doesn't want a relationship, she just wants to fool around! Chekov's light touch is also appreciated. Of course, David tries too often for the cheap laugh/groaner ("pussy-footing"?), but it's all in good fun, which these stories haven't always had.
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