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Star Trek 903: Going, Going...
903. Going, Going...PUBLICATION: Star Trek v.2 #8, DC Comics, May 1990CREATORS: Peter David (writer), James W. Fry and Arne Starr (artists)STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)PLOT: Once Sweeney has captured Captain Kirk, the Starfleet-Nasgul-Klingon deal is off. He'll sell to the highest bidder. Of course, the good captain escapes and tries to make his way to Sweeney's bridge. Meanwhile, Sulu arrives with a small fleet to rescue Kirk, Spock and Blaise, but so do the Nasgul and Klingons...CONTINUITY: Fed Prez. Klingon ambassador. Klaa. The usual.DIVERGENCES: Sweeney's eye rays have gone from red to green since the last issue.PANEL OF THE DAY - The Martian Manhunter works for Sweeney.
REVIEW: Ok, I gave the "Not... Sweeney!" running gag a pass last issue, but it's now getting way too silly. If not irritating. While Peter David is strong at dialogue and fun "hell yeah!" moments (Kirk's escape is pretty cool here), his weakness is indulging in too much comedy. The running gag, Sweeney destroying a chess board every time he loses to Spock (5 in all), an Andorian being hummed to sleep, the Russian admiral throwing in with Chekov... Any one of these is fun, two I can stand. All of them is just too much. Sweeney remains a potent threat, and has some flair, though I do wonder at his abilities. He can shrug off a nerve pinch and throw Spock 15 feet into the air, but he can be punched out. Hopefully, we'll learn something about who he is next issue.