So the Dire Wraiths just rolled a critical failure on their Canadian gambit. Silly Wraiths, you can't poison our environment. We're already doing that ourselves! What's next? Diverting the media's attention from things that matter or injecting fat into our food? Sorry to say we don't need you for that. Just wait it out and jump on our misinformed obese asses when polluted Earth is ripe for that taking.
So what DO the Wraiths have in the pipeline? Massive snowstorms the world over?

Nope, that's got something to do with Thor comics (oh, when editors actually edited...).
Turning the Earth into a postapocalyptic nightmare Charlton Heston or Kamandi might be at home in?

Nope, just a dream Rick Jones was having.
How about just the massacre of everyone on a train?

Because evil is evil for evil's sake. Screw the master plan, let's just get our grooves on. Of course when Starshine sees this, she goes just a little bit ballistic. L'il bit.

She shoots the sole surviving child on the train in case she's a Wraith, forcing Rick to throw himself in front of the beam and burning his nice leather jacket. Not cool, Brandy. Rom's gonna have to play peekaboo with you.

Turns out the little girl IS human after all (lesson learned?) and the things she's seen. She's seen inside the head of the Wraith that killed her parents, and she's seen Rick Jones' exact dream.

Could the Planet of the Apes be for realz?
Next: Rom's baddest enemy returns!
I miss those days too.
In fact, the whole Thor/snowstorm (the Casket of Ancient Winters was the cause, IIRC) bit from this issue that appeared in several others (maybe every Marvel book?) around this time is an example I often think of in terms of continuity done right, especially in terms of creating a unified, cohesive storytelling universe and, ultimately, using that to drive sales.
Changing the subject, I think in the next issue Rom could have a crossover with... KAMANDI!