PUBLICATION: Star Trek v.2 #19, DC Comics, May 1991
CREATORS: Peter David (writer), Gordon Purcell and Arne Starr (artists)
STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)
PLOT: After the death of a young security guard, Kirk struggles with finding something to say at his funeral. He was new and little known, but he did save his life. Kirk remembers how pirates stole a Federation freighter, passed themselves off as the crew, and ambushed Kirk and crew when the got too close. Ensign Lee threw himself in front of a deadly disruptor blast. In the end, Kirk makes a moving speech about the need to explore each other as well as space, and that no man should remain unknown and expendable.
PANEL OF THE DAY - Kirk is so awesome, he wakes himself up in the morning by pouring coffee into his lap.
