935. Veritas The Conclusion: Cold Comfort!PUBLICATION: Star Trek v.2 #33, DC Comics, July 1992
CREATORS: Howard Weinstein (writer), Gordon Purcell and Al Vey (artists)
STARDATE: Unknown (follows the last issue)
PLOT: Though the Betans aren't the terrorists the Quatrini make them out to be, they're still morally suspect, as Uhura finds out when they force her to repair com equipment if she wants Sulu's life to be saved. She later uses the communications gear to try to call the Enterprise on higher ground, where she is waylaid by Quatrini agents. The Enterprise, following a a trail of debris, arrives just in time and the Quatrini plan is exposed.
CONTINUITY: Sulu becomes captain of the Excelsior in the last couple panels (ST VI).
PANEL OF THE DAY - Keith Giffen's Justice League survives to the 23rd century.
REVIEW: I've figured out what's wrong with Weinstein's Kirk. He's such a sad sack, always leaning against a window and sighing, rarely taking action. What is this angst, and what's it doing in that character? Maybe he doesn't want Sulu to leave. Sulu's promotion is sadly tacked on at the end of the issue. I thought Veritas might be his last Enterprise hurray, but it's really Uhura's spotlight, so it's just an addendum that doesn't quite fit the story. As for the resolution of Veritas itself, well, Uhura's good in it, but what now happens to Quatrin and Beta is barely glossed over, and the climax basically involves Chekov walking in just as it was getting good. I did appreciate the Betan leader's intelligence and Uhura's gutsiness, but everything else is a little weak.